Cameron Gott, PCC

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You won't see reference to this in the DSM-V, but accessing important tasks begins with making distinctions.

My new clients often have a real challenge distinguishing important tasks from urgent ones.

For them everything is urgent or not.

ADHD builds ‘dirty snowballs’ in our brain, which lumps beliefs, thoughts and feelings together.

This is in part because of our associative style of processing incoming information. We love to make connections, but sometimes we over-connect and start lumping thoughts and ideas together.

Black and White thinking also contributes to the ‘Dirty Snowball’ phenomenon. Seeing things separate from the whole - distinguishing -  is not always a natural skill for us, but it is one worth developing. Only when we have made distinctions, can we begin to prioritize our actions and choose how we spend our time.

It is important for us to set aside time to distinguish the juiciest fruit for consumption.