A Special Group Coaching Offering
For over twenty years, people have come to coach with me to help them overcome their ADHD challenges and focus on the stuff that really matters. Simply stated, this is the biggest ADHD challenge - an inability to consistently get time, attention, and effort on the important and not urgent items of life and work. Often referred to as Quadrant II (QII) from the Eisenhower Matrix, this is where the stuff that only matters to oneself resides, where real change and growth occurs. Things like building a business, nurturing a relationship, or pursuing a dream live here. Accessing QII is about identifying resources, accessing agency and tapping leadership opportunities. It’s also about accessing the right emotions.
I always thought the “QII Conundrum” was one of time, attention and structure. I’ve recently learned through my own professional development that it is a matter of emotion too. Emotion drives our attention, our decisions and ultimately our actions. We assign value by how we feel about something. The connection between emotion and ADHD is well known. This course looks beyond basic regulation practices and explores emotion as a real resource for effective change.
Equanimity with Cam is a group coaching offering that gives participants straightforward emotional tools and practices to focus on what really matters with clarity and purpose.
Cooler Heads Prevail
In 2021 I enrolled in a coach training program to learn about Positive Intelligence (PQ) and offer it as a resource to my clients. Reluctant at first, I tested the program and accompanying app myself. I found that after the 6-week intensive program I was able to bring more equanimity to my day and improve my own emotional regulation. As I tested the app and methods with current and past clients over the next 2 years, I realized an important QII-emotion connection. I realized that emotion, and accessing positive emotions, was a missing key to getting traction in QII tasks and strategic leadership thinking. Those of us with ADHD are masterful at conjuring adrenaline to activate and complete tasks, tapping negative neural networks but also awakening the voices of the harsh Inner Critic. Leadership and agency to make our own choices and facilitate paths for others live firmly in the positive neural networks of the brain. Neuroscience supports this. I’m finding that the PQ program is an essential piece to the puzzle of a comprehensive coaching program. We all like the idea of keeping a cool head in the midst of chaos and urgency. Equanimity provides the essential tools and practices to make this happen.
The Course
A ten-week group coaching class with a 1-hour strategic coaching session per week, weekly teaching videos, and an in-app messaging platform.
A cutting edge coaching model, the latest ADHD information, and methods based on neuroscience
Support through coaching, positive accountability, and a small community (limit 6) of discerning individuals
Half the cost of individual coaching plus the collective wisdom of a supportive community
A six-week integrated Positive Intelligence program and app in the context of ADHD (A $1000 value)
Participants will:
Learn how their ADHD presents unique obstacles to QII/leadership practices
Learn how positive neural pathways and positive emotion come into play with accessing QII
Discover the power of Positive Intelligence and understand the ADHD/PQ connection
Utilize the powerful PQ app to identify negative ‘Saboteur’ thoughts and nurture positive ‘Sage’ emotions like curiosity, creativity, empathy and trust.
Build mental fitness using 10 second PQ techniques
What Clients are saying about Equanimity with Cam
ADHD makes it hard to manage my emotions, particularly when I need to manage them during the course of a busy day. This program provides a simple and effective way to manage intense emotions in real time. ~ J.S., Commercial Insurance Agent
It’s easy to get stuck in ‘fire-fighter’ mode battling the crisis of the day. I didn’t realize this hyper-focus was fueled by negative emotions. It takes a toll. My PQ work opens a door to another set of emotions. I see it as a great stress management tool. ~ A.F. CEO and Founder
Cam's PQ program has been incredibly useful to me. Building awareness around the way my saboteurs exacerbate my ADHD symptoms has enabled me to access emotions and emotional decision-making skills that I've long struggled to cultivate. ~ R.E. Music Composer
Three Elements to Success
Those with ADHD tend to spend more time in negative thinking parts of the brain since we connect those emotions with motivation and activation.
A proven coaching model from a leader in ADHD Coaching
Defining and engaging QII goals that really matter keeps practices and intentions front and center
Positive accountability from an accountability thought leader
We explore the neuroscience of ADHD and see how it blocks access to positive neural networks in the brain
We explore the neuroscience of emotion, motivation and inspiration through the Positive Intelligence method
The PQ app creates a ‘dashboard’ for PQ practices in self-command, naming and disrupting negative Saboteurs and nurturing positive Sage Powers
Small groups of like-minded and discerning individuals learn to support each other in a positive and confidential working environment
Neuroscience has proven that helping others leads to helping oneself more effectively
Cost and Date
Ten week coaching program with an integrated six-week PQ program and app ~ $1195 (The app alone is valued at $1000)
Click below to submit a Google Form application to be considered for our next offering.
Tuesdays 8-9 PM Eastern. March 18th to May 20th